Tiger Event

October 8, 2023 at 12:00:00 AM
On the Confucian Communist Comeback in Contemporary China
Presenter / Panelists
Daniel A. Bell (貝淡寧) - Professor, Chair of Political Theory with the Faculty of Law at the University of Hong Kong
Vivian Lin - Executive Associate Dean, LKS Faculty of Medicine, Hong Kong University
Few Chinese intellectuals and political reformers turned to Confucianism and Communism for political inspiration at the end of the twentieth century. But the traditions have mounted remarkable comebacks in mainland China. What explains the return of Confucianism and Communism? And what are the implications for Chinese academia and the political system? Drawing on his new book, "The Dean of Shandong," (Princeton, 2023) -- "an inside view of Chinese academia and what it reveals about China's political system" that was selected as a Financial Times Best Summer Book in 2023-- Daniel A. Bell will attempt to answer these questions.
Registration for the talk is by email invitation only, and at this time participation is limited to members of our Tiger Community, including Helen Lin's students, colleagues, family, and invited guests. We welcome friends and colleagues of Tiger Community members to join us -- please have them send us their contact information, so we can send them an invitation. Email: HTL.Legacy@gmail.com
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